Sunday Recap on a Monday (yet again).

I’m getting pretty bad about these Sunday recaps on a Monday, huh? Here we go again…

This past week I…

Took Monday off to spend time with Gus
Went to my Monday night Zumba class
Tried a new recipe – Spice-rubbed pork tenderloin with mustard barbecue sauce (sans bacon)
Went to my Tuesday night Turbo Kick class
Went to my last Turbo Kick class until September
Bought a lot of fruits and veggies at Friday’s Farmers Market
Gave into my craving for a beet salad only to find that they forgot the turkey (sad face)
Cooked a tasty Greek spread instead of doing our usual Friday night take-out
Spent Friday night curled up on the couch with P…and eventually Gus
Went to an early (and not WW friendly) Father’s Day lunch on Saturday
Attended our first puppy kindergarten class
Neglected to post my Sunday recap on Sunday evening
Tracked all of my activity for the week
Tracked every bite of food for the week (And it wasn’t pretty).

My eating was much better this week than weeks earlier, but it still wasn’t “awesome” which has forced me to seriously re-evaluate my method and plan. I am playing hide and seek with the scale again lately. I hope to post a weekly weigh-in again soon.

The week ahead promises to be very busy, but in a good way! I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start. Cheers!

Tried a new recipe – Spice-Rubbed Pork Tenderloin with Mustard Barbecue Sauce


Yummy beet salad – without turkey 😦

Friday Night – Gus crawled up on the couch and fell asleep with his head on my cheek. Awww!


Sunday morning blueberry pancakes!

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